X3-CAKE By Daniel Joseph Oak All RIghts Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1994 Internet: Jonin@netcom.com October 7th, 1994

What is X3-CAKE ?

X3-CAKE is a program to create the .ins file needed for Cakewalk(TM) Pro 3.0 for windows to know and understand the names and Drum Kits of the KORG X3 .pcg file.

Requirements of X3-CAKE

What things does X3-CAKE give me ?

Each .ins file created - when installed into Cakewalk, will give you a new instrument named "Korg X3 PCG filename" where filename is the name of the new .ins file. That instrument will have in it's definition table the following :

So what do I owe you for using X3-CAKE ?

X3-CAKE is Patch-Ware. If you like X3-CAKE then send me some patches! :) You can email them to me at jonin@netcom.com or you can use the X3 FTP at ftp.netcom.com at the /pub/jonin/incoming area.